Digital Repository Deposit Agreement
When submitting material for deposit in Salem State’s Digital Repository, you agree to the following terms:
- That you as the author retain copyright ownership to the work as well as the right to use all or part of the work in future works.
- That the work is your original work and does not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe upon any third party’s copyright or privacy rights.
- That material owned by third parties and included in the work (e.g. video, images, music, data sets) is acknowledged and appropriately cited.
- That if the work includes human participation, including interviews and other forms of documentation, you have obtained IRB approval prior to conducting this work. Interviewees have been made aware of the potential that their interviews will be made public and signed a form stating such.
- That if the work is based upon material that has been sponsored or supported by an agency or organization other than Salem State University, you have fulfilled any obligations required by such contract or agreement.
- That Salem State University retains the non-exclusive right to:
- make the work permanently accessible worldwide for free;
- store, copy, and translate the work into any medium for the purposes of archiving, preservation, and accessibility;
- incorporate metadata elements or documentation with the work;
- and remove the work for professional, administrative, or legal reasons.