Training School Images
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Students Writing Vocabulary Words on the Blackboard"Constant reviews in which one word is made to suggest many others having the same root, enable the children to retain the vocabulary which must increase so rapidly in this grade. [Photo caption located on the back-side of the photo]
Students Drawing on Blackboard"The children are given a chance to draw the pictures suggested by some of their stories and poems." [Photo caption located on the back-side of the photo]
Fifth Grade Students Doing Breathing Exercises in Class"This shows Grade V taking breathing exercises before their reading lesson." [Photo caption located on the back-side of the picture]
Students Reading From "Gods and Heroes""When reading "Gods and Heroes" the class is taken to the main hall to study the statues." [Photo caption located on the back side of the picture]
Students Reading From "Seven Little Sisters"" The different pictures in the buildings are used to illustrate the reading when advisable. In this case the class is reading the story of Gemila in "Seven Little Sisters". [Photo caption located on the back side of the picture]
Little Red Riding Hood1904-01-01"The story of Red Riding Hood can be made much more realistic by an illustration of this sort." [Photo caption located on the back side of the picture] Theater was an important part of the Training School curriculum. The Training School was located on the first floor of the Sullivan Building.
Second Grade Students Reading Aloud"The children in the second grade read "Little People of Other Lands" At one time a little Japanese girl was a member of this class." [Photo caption located on the back of the picture] The Training School was located on the first floor of the Sullivan Building.
Alice in Wonderland"Occasional dramatization is an aid to good expression in reading. These photographs show three scenes from "Alice in Wonderland" as given in "Child Life", Book IV. "No room! No room! they cried out when they saw Alice coming." [Photo caption located on the back of the picture] The Training School was located on the first floor of the Sullivan Building.
Student Dressed as an Eskimo"When reading about the Eskimos this little boy was dressed to represent Sipsu. The Arctic scene shown here was drawn upon the blackboard." [Photo caption located on the back-side of the photo]