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Policies And Procedures For Nursing Home Visitation Post COVID-19 Vaccination: Woburn Rehabilitation And Nursing CenterNursing homes have been severely impacted by COVID-19, with high rates of infection, morbidity, and mortality. Visiting restrictions made since the start of the pandemic have had a significant impact on residents and visitors including family, loved ones, friends, guardians and staff. The Centers of Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) have collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to safely issue and expand visitations for nursing homes. With vaccinations rolling out fast and millions getting vaccinated, it paves the way for nursing home visitations. A survey was created and distributed to residents about their experiences and mental health during the restrictions. Seven out of ten responded to being happier and social since the visitation restriction was lifted.
Preparing Bridgewell For Residential State Licensing: Bridgewell Of PeabodyPreparing Health and Human Service organizations for State Licensing is a rigorous and extremely important process. For the Residential Program at Bridgewell of Peabody, MA, data from various client portals, including the eHana database and the Virtual Gateway database, was compiled, sorted, summarized and graphed for preparation of the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Residential State Licensing and October 2021 Audit. With this information, the Residential Program at Bridgewell was then able to be better informed to make necessary adjustments to improve the efficiency and performance of the organization and is more prepared for the DDS Residential State Licensing and October 2021 Audit.
Impact Of Resource Update: Autism Support, Healthcare & AdvocacyResource database updates are key factors in the progression and access of quality healthcare for all. Northeast Arc’s Autism Support Center promotes inclusivity, access, and awareness to the community. Providing up to date, reliable, and accurate information across a variety of fields (i.e. advocacy, intervention, support, events, and healthcare providers) is critical for this population. The purpose of this senior-level internship was to create and organize a reliable database for Northeast Arc and the community they serve while adhering to HIPAA policies and protocols. Approximately 150 professionals on the North Shore with a variety of expertise were contacted via telephone and email. Information provided from each contact was placed onto the resource database.
The Brain And Music TherapyWhat are the benefits of music therapy on brain injury survivors? This project is focused on the ability of music therapy in providing therapeutic outcomes while also addressing the recovery process of an injured brain. Music therapy is a creative and pure form of stress relief. Throughout the patient experience at Supportive Living Inc, a brain injury wellness program, I was able to make observations on patient progress with the use of a tailored playlist. Each patient reported using a scale of one to five. As a result of the methods used, there were positive outcomes in three variables, motivation, focus, and overall satisfaction.
Digital Health Communications Project, Understanding College Student Health Through InstagramIn recent years, digital health promotion has quickly increased and has allowed health professionals to develop and provide a variety of online resources. These tools can be especially beneficial in reaching college students who are increasingly seeking health resources online. The proposed project examined student interaction on online platforms specifically Instagram and the relevant health topics being explored. Online health resources were developed based on Salem State University’s participation in the 2020 American College Health Association – National College Health Assessment III. This project focused on five main health topics including; sexual health, sleep, substance use, mental health, and nutrition/food security. Pre-topic questions were created to examine health seeking behaviors and main topic health promotion questions to analyze interaction and develop relevant health resources.
Capturing Stories And Wellness: Creating Community WholenessThe Guild is a multi-sited social enterprise and cross-sector ecosystem, owned and led by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. The purpose of this senior-level internship was to gain insight from community members on the impact of The Guild during the pandemic. Through interviews and casual interactions with community members at The Guild, there is clear understanding that The Guild offers a sanctuary space with holistic effects due to its intentional design. Specific questions were asked of the community members in which they expressed gratitude for the love they receive and peace they feel when they visit especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Balance Training: The Effectiveness Of Exercise In Traumatic Brain InjuryThe brain plays a major role in every function of the human body. Traumatic brain injuries can cause setbacks for individuals’ physical abilities, and that is why exercise is very important for this population. This internship consisted of a Neuro Fit program through Supportive Living, Inc. to support brain injury survivors. The main focus of the exercise program was to improve the balance of three participants by observing their independent abilities at week 1, and to consistently practice balance exercises for 12 consecutive weeks. Each exercise plan was created and catered to the three participants’ own physical abilities and goals. Each participant showed great improvement with balance skills, which resulted in better exercise form and ability to increase exercise intensity.
U.S. Nitrile Glove Shortage In A Humanitarian Crisis: Inmogeia Technologies Inc.The COVID-19 pandemic has impeded the global supply of nitrile gloves, causing mass shortages, scams, fraud, and chaos. The nitrile glove shortage has presented the U.S. with a humanitarian crisis. U.S. hospitals, nursing homes, dental practices, first responders, the entire healthcare system is in peril. Health workers are scared to provide care because they lack the necessary protective nitrile gloves. The U.S. reliance on importation of nitrile gloves has left the nation susceptible, and victim too, the major portion of global fraud and scams. The COVID-19 pandemic, combined with deficient domestic manufacturing, and lacking federal guidance has placed the United States in a humanitarian crisis. The U.S. shortage of nitrile gloves and PPE, represents “a gap in our national security (Rep. Stephen Lynch, 2021)”.
Collaborative Care Models For Behavioral Health: Establishing Protocols For Close Monitoring Of Patients Receiving SSRI Drug TherapyMore children and young adults are diagnosed with depression and anxiety each year. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs are the first-choice treatment method in both adult and pediatric patients presenting with depression and or anxiety. SSRIs cause fewer side effects than other medications, however, these side effects disproportionately affect patients at the pediatric level. This poster demonstrates the impact that Woburn and North Andover Pediatric Associates SSRI Protocol has had on patient outcomes at the pediatric level. Closer monitoring of patients and an increase in patient care coordination form the foundation of this newly implemented protocol. This study analyzes real patient data over the course of three months.
Survey On Food Security And Food Habits Of Seniors In SalemIn the United States as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, food insecurity has skyrocketed and millions of Americans have turned to their local food pantries for help. Particularly for the elderly, it has been difficult to safely attain food amid the pandemic. In a new partnership with the Salem Housing Authority, the Salem Pantry will set up mobile markets at Salem Housing Authority buildings for seniors in order to provide easier access to produce and other food items available. To better understand residents needs and preferences, and improve options available at the mobile markets, we surveyed residents to gain a better understanding of their food habits, preferences, and security.
The Why And How Of Food Pantry Donations: The Salem PantryThe work done at a food pantry has become even more important during COVID-19. More people are in need and the donations that people have been giving to the pantry are helping. This project investigated how and why people are choosing to donate to the Salem Pantry. After analyzing donation databases, more people prefer donating online rather than sending a check. With more donations coming in during COVID-19, it can be presumed that people are more appreciative of how important food pantries are for those in need.
Northeast Arc: The Benefits Of Age Parity And ABIThis project was conducted to find out the impact of age parity and exercise on an individual diagnosed with an Acquired Brain Injury. I worked one-on-one with a 22-year-old male twice a week, encouraging an increase in physical activity through creative exercises and therapeutic game-playing. The overall goal was to assist and support this individual with maintaining physical, mental and emotional wellness in the face of so much loss at such a young age. By brainstorming and connecting with the on-site physical therapist, I was able to create an environment where the individual and I connected easily on age-related topics like music and television shows. The connection we were able to build by focusing on what we had in common definitely had an impact on his overall motivation and willingness to stick to the prescribed PT program. As the weeks progressed, so did his capacity to move; watching him push forward physically and battle his own frustration with his incapacity was life-changing for both of us. I couldn’t be more grateful for this experience.
Improving Senior Care Faclilities: New Policies For Delivery System And InventoryCOVID19 has triggered different issues within long term care facilities such as the delivery system of clothing and personal belongings. These items that residents are waiting on may be the only thing that provides them with comfort, as well as a sense of familiarity during this unprecedented time. Normally, items could be delivered as soon as they were dropped off, but due to the pandemic, new regulations require a 24-quarantine period. This leaves residents waiting longer periods of time for their items. This undergraduate internship demonstrates steps taken to develop new policies and procedures for the speedy delivery of personal items to residents. Research required informal interviews with facility personnel to determine appropriate, facility-wide sanctions.
Making A Good First Impression Matters: Dental Website RedesignWe live in a very technological period. People using technology to search for everything means websites are now a companies' first impression when motivating customers and patients to visit their office or buy their product. A good first impression will leave people wanting more and in return they will advertise your company for free to friends and family. A user-friendly website is a marketing tactic business owners should not miss out on.
Quality Assurance: Satisfaction Analysis Of Bridegwell's Services Through Data ExtractionAnalyzing outcomes reports is a key component to assess quality of care in healthcare. Examining satisfaction of services is one of the main roles of the quality assurance department in the healthcare field. Satisfaction surveys are a main identifier of the overall big picture of quality of care and provide insight on how the company is preforming, and areas in which it can improve. Feedback from anonymous satisfaction surveys allows health system administrators to identify and respond to patterns of performance and further help the organization as a whole improve its quality of care. Such analysis allows a conclusion of where the organization stands in its care. This project conducted at Bridgewell of MA gathered, graphed, and analyzed satisfaction data of Bridgewell’s services through the quality assurance perspective. Such services were broken down by affiliation, and data was collected for persons receiving services, family guardians, as well as external stakeholders.
Sex Out Loud Virtual Workshop: Educating The Youth Of Chelsea On Sexual Health And AccessThe purpose of this undergraduate internship project was to educate Chelsea (MA) youth about sexual health. The creation of a survey collected current sexual practices and health knowledge of local youth. As a result of the survey, a sexual health workshop was created and publicized utilizing social media platforms, and virtual event planning strategies. The workshop included free sexual health kits, open ended discussions, and resources and guidance for those of age beginning to learn about reproductive health. This workshop was successful because individuals had a safe ground to talk about their personal health. This workshop allowed sexual health conversations to be normalized among Chelsea youth.
Salem State University Grant Department Research AssistantI have spent my internship at Salem State University Grants Department, as a research assistant to the department working from home remotely. The Grants Department at Salem State University provides assistance finding grants/funds to help support faculty and staff. Salem State University provides a high quality student-centered education that prepares a diverse community of learners to contribute responsibly and creatively to a global society, and serve as a resource to advance the social, cultural, social, and economic development. The grants department also provides faculty with the necessary resources by providing assistance researching grants and fundundings in numerous websites. Where I learned to master grant research database and reviewed grant funding's on a excel. I also learned the importance identifying keywords to search for grant proposals and I was able narrow funding possibilities. Overall, during my internship I developed a better understanding of federal and state funding. Although they experience of utilizing websites to search databases for a grant funding, I was able to expand my knowledge of how to find a grant and determine if it is right one out of many grants offered. I learned how to better utilize certain key words of terms that directed me to a specific grant possibilities or potentials. In addition, I was able to improve my abilities my abilities in Excel and databases. I gained valuable insight and knowledge into the working knowledge into the working process of a grants department and gained appreciation for the time and effort required to locate, develop, an application and submit it for consideration. of the challenges posed by state and federal funding, working remotely from home and maintaining and generated data base to track targeted grants.