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dc.contributor.authorAmeigh, Marijke
dc.contributor.authorCrone-Todd, Darlene
dc.creatorAmeigh, Marijke
dc.creatorCrone-Todd, Darlene
dc.description.abstractIt is valuable that the field of behavior analysis continues to develop methods of improving inclusive and culturally responsive practices within standard training methods. The LGBTQIA+ community has a diverse set of terminology used to describe the identities that exists within it. For direct support professionals in behavior analysis to serve this community in a culturally responsive way, they must have a foundational understanding of the terms and definitions associated with the community. There have been limited efforts made to specifically train staff on issues of the LGBTQIA+ community. This study used programmed instruction via online training modules as a method of providing raining to five direct support professionals on LGBTQIA+ terms and issues. Four online modules were created using equivalency-based instruction to teach specific terms and definitions. Three equivalence classes were established and trained ( A=term, B=definition, and C=scenario). All three classes were trained to mastery within the module sets. A pre and post-test was used determine the learner’s acquisition of the material. All five participants showed at least a 2.5 point increase on posttest scores compared to pretest scores. All participants were able to complete modules to mastery. The use of equivalence-based programmed instruction did appear to improve fluency of terms.
dc.titleUsing Equivalence-Based Programmed Instruction To Improve Fluency Of LGBTQIA+ Terms Among Direct Support Staff
dc.contributor.sponsorCrone-Todd, Darlene
dc.description.departmentPsychology 5, 2022en_US 5, 2022
dc.subject.keywordVerbal behavior
dc.subject.keywordEquivalence-based instruction
dc.subject.keywordBehavior analysis
dc.subject.keywordCultural responsiveness
dc.subject.keywordProgrammed instruction

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