Recent Submissions

  • Adult Rheumatoid Arthritis: Evaluating Treatment Effectiveness Among Patients

    Villar, Adriany; Everitt, Amy (2021-12-13)
    In the real world, how medications are prescribed and taken by patients differs from a patient enrolled in clinical trials. For example, medications may be given to patients with disease severity ranging from mild to very severe, who have comorbidities, and who have variable adherence to the treatment regimen. After a drug is licensed and on the market, comparative effectiveness studies are conducted with real world data to assure that the drugs remain effective when used by real world patients. CorEvitas conducts comparative effectiveness research among cohorts of patients enrolled in the Rheumatoid Arthritis Registry. This poster presents the design of an observational cohort study, including study protocols.
  • Salem Board of Health Informational Brochure What We Do

    Yu, Joshua; Hatch-Belhumeur, Cynthia (2021-12-13)
    Many businesses have an informative handout that anyone can receive from their offices. These handouts usually come in the form of brochures, booklets, or pamphlets. Contained in these handouts are important details regarding the business, organization, or company, such as their mission objectives, their everyday activities and responsibilities, and how they work with their clients. The Salem Board of Health does not have any form of informative handout and as such, many people are unaware of what the organization does. This poster serves as a brochure template that the Salem Board of Health can utilize and create handouts from to distribute to the public with the goal of increasing public awareness about the organization's tasks and responsibilities in the City of Salem.
  • Program Advisory Committee (PAC) & Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & College (ACCSC): Journey Towards Accrediting a Medical Assistant Program

    Ramos, Kamille; Everitt, Amy (2021-12-13)
    This study was conducted to establish and observe the creation of an advisory committee, lead the committee through the accreditation process to determine strengths and weakness of the current medical assistants program and guide this committee through the development of recommendations for improvements based on accreditation standards of the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges (ACCSC). Recommendations included the creation of adequate space for practicing & evaluation of skills, expansion of reliable equipment for clinical practices & classroom teaching, update and maintain appropriate certifications for instructors, recognize the needs for available resources for students in a variety of platforms, and recognize the need for students to become BLS certified. This process has helped this organization by meeting and maintaining certain acceptable levels of educational standards and quality.
  • Interpretation and Translation: The Bridge to Linguistic and Cultural Gaps

    Mohamed, Nawal; Everitt, Amy (2021-12-13)
    One of the ways in which we can combat healthcare inequities and improve the quality of care for patients is through cultural responsiveness. This project explored ways we can be culturally responsive on an individual level and on an institutional level. A newsletter was designed to inform participants on ways they can engage in cultural responsiveness. This newsletter was sent to 19 participants through email, and it was also posted on the organization’s webpage. Inquiries were made on behalf of the organization to acquire language support for families accessing the family visitation program at Children’s Services of Roxbury. A relationship was established with a translation company to address the gap in culture and language within the program.
  • Recreation During a Pandemic: The Impact of COVID 19 on Programming in Massachusetts

    Lopez, Christian; Everitt, Amy (2021-12-13)
    This project is a review of the impact of COVID 19 on recreation programs in Massachusetts from 2020 through November 2021. The pandemic and how we interact with people have changed the landscape of community gathering and the programs that cities and towns can provide. A review of city/town websites and a pool of telephone interviews helped describe that within communities across Massachusetts there have been changes to available programming. This is significant in both rural and urban environments. Results of this review show that there is some change in the types of programs available, use of staffing, and budget levels.
  • Veterinary Practice: Maximizing Efficiency and Consistency

    Kane, Emily; Alvandi, Maryam (2021-12-13)
    The purpose of the internship was to create educational materials and improve the workflow in veterinary practice at Banfield Pet Hospital. Client education is one of the most significant aspect of veterinary medicine, which helps owners make informed decisions and improve their pet’s wellness. It is essential to increase client awareness about the benefits of comprehensive Optimum Wellness Plans and their roles in preventive veterinary care. A survey was created and distributed to 40 participants to determine whether these materials were effective in assisting clients to sign up on a plan. The results revealed the perceived role of educational materials in the care of veterinary patients.
  • Bridgewell’s Day Program at Rosewood: Creating Instructional Resource

    Lazo, Yasmin; Everitt, Amy (2021-12-13)
    Bridgwell’s Rosewood Day program in Danvers, MA is a daily day program for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. These clients come in for the day to continue working and developing daily living skills, communication skills, and motor skills. This project was devoted to the development of instructional resources for the staff when working with clients. After observing the various activities and programming provided, three topic areas emerged including communication skills, four-step cooking/ recipes, and exercise/stretching activities. Each area was researched culminating in three binders that were created to provide readily accessible instructional resource materials for use by both staff and clients.
  • Fetal Maternal Medicine/Infertility: Proposal for a Support Group at a Community Health Center

    Aleman, Angelica; Everitt, Amy (2021-12-13)
    This project investigated the effectiveness of support groups and how to start one. Based on data from a needs assessment, the need for a support group was proposed to the CEO of the Health Center due to the high levels of pregnancy loss and infertility in the community. Advocacy and outreach were strongly recommended for the community being served given the low-income base and lack of resources. With support of medical students, qualified patients were surveyed for feedback on their interest in attending a support group session. The proposed support group program was approved with an initial start date of December 2021. It was concluded that the impact of communicating with patients is far more effective if the caregiver has similar experiences to theirs.
  • Exercise and Substance Use Disorder Recovery: Utilizing Yoga as a Rehabilitation Aid

    Lockwood, Caitlyn; Sweeney, Michele (2021-12-13)
    Substance use disorder relapse is commonly experienced amongst patients admitted to addiction recovery treatment centers. During the detox phase of addiction treatment, patients are offered psychoeducational therapeutic groups to assist in their recovery process. Tools and guides are offered to help maintain their sobriety post treatment. The purpose of this senior-level undergraduate internship was to provide a new therapeutic group for patients during their detox recovery. The group focused on exercise in the form of yoga as a rehabilitation aid. The program was designed so that case managers could repeat the exercise-based activity without the need for assistance. Surveys were distributed to collect patient feedback at the site. Data suggests exercise, in the form of yoga, is a beneficial therapeutic addiction recovery tool.