Now showing items 21-40 of 133

    • Noitcelfer (s)

      White, Abbie (2021-05-06)
      Choreography by Abbie White. "Speak of Infinity" music by Nick White. Videography by Molly Quinn and Kaitlyn Munsell.
    • Dancing with a Learning Disability

      Fernandez, Lisandra N.; McLyman, Meghan (2021-05-01)
      This dance film is about my personal experience with a learning disability and how dance has helped me growing up having this learning disability.
    • English Language Ideologies and their Impact in ELT programs in Oaxaca, Mexico

      Bustamante Martinez, Esau I.; González, Melanie (2021-05-01)
      The use of English as a language of communication is growing around the world and its global influence has spread to different areas. In Mexico, English language learning and teaching have been influenced by different ideologies; in some cases, those ideologies have their origins in social, political and economic factors. The aim of this study is to investigate if there is a connection between English language ideologies and English teaching in Oaxaca.
    • Cultural Humility Training to Improve Client Functional Performance Outcomes: A Systematic Review

      Velasquez, Chanel; MacLachlan, Jean (2021-05-01)
      The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate the characteristics of cultural humility as practiced by experienced healthcare professionals, primarily occupational therapy (OT) practitioners, and to analyze the implementation of cultural humility training in relation to client functional performance outcomes.
    • Does Animal Assisted Intervention Within the School-Based Setting Increase Socialization Skills For Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorderosed

      Ricker, Melissa; Turcotte, Jill (2021-05-01)
      This is a literature review conducted to determine the efficacy of incorporating animal assisted intervention within the school based setting to improve social skills for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
    • Mindsets in Health Professions: A Scoping Review

      Williams, Cheryl (2021-05-06)
      The growth mindset model has been linked with enhancing academic success in college students. A scoping review was conducted detailing evidence of the growth mindset model's application in health professions. Databases searched included: MEDLINE, CINAHL, ERIC, Scopus, Conference Papers Index, Embase, and Education Database. A hand search was also carried out. 1296 articles were reviewed. Inclusion/exclusion resulted in 22 articles from health professions articles: medical education (10), nursing (3), veterinary (3), pharmacy (2), physiotherapy (1), and general health professions education (3). This study demonstrated that fixed mindset student learners may avoid constructive feedback, hide errors, and express negative maladaptive behaviors that threaten their learning. To cultivate an adaptive lifelong learning health professional, the growth mindset model shows promise and should be integrated into curricula. In closing, many articles were not empirical research. Implications: The growth mindset model shows promise for academic success in health professions education, but more robust studies are warranted.
    • Methods to Support Long-Term ELLs on the WIDA ACCESS Test

      Poirier, Christophe (2021-05-06)
      What are the most popular methods recommended to provide long-term ELL students with the greatest support in the age of the WIDA ACCESS Test?
    • Interventions that Address Feeding Challenges in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

      Casey, Abigail; Turcotte, Jill (2021-05-01)
      This review examines interventions within the scope of occupational therapy practice that address feeding challenges in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder between the ages of two and eight years. Identified approaches include behavioral-based approaches and sensory-based approaches.
    • An Education Initiative to Improve End of Life (EOL) Care in Undergraduate Curricula

      Barry, Michelle (2021-05-06)
      In today’s complex health care delivery system, patients with serious and chronic illness and their families demand that nurses and their interprofessional team be well versed in palliative and end of life (EOL) care techniques. Although there is evidence supporting the value of EOL care, the number of health care professionals fitted and available to provide this care is inadequate to meet the needs of patients and families across the lifespan. It is therefore imperative that future nurses be prepared with the knowledge, attitude, and skills to provide empathetic, efficient EOL care to the chronically ill. The following presentation will discuss the importance of improving EOL care modules in the undergraduate curriculum with an emphasis on improving communication techniques founded in empathy. It will highlight innovative ways to enhance teaching and learning. By synthesizing current literature, and identifying the theory-practice gap, a new curricular redesign will be formatted for consideration of future use combining traditional pedagogies and forum theater methodologies to improve students’ perceived level of comfort having difficult EOL conversations grounded in empathy and effective communication techniques.
    • An Examination of the Corpus of

      Norris, Christina; González, Melanie (2021-05-01)
      One topic that is of increasing relevance to many English learners (ELs) as the number of individuals hoping to gain lawful residence in the U.S. is that of immigration. In fiscal year 2019, USCIS received more than 7.6 million forms relating to the many types of applications that they oversee, such as immigrant petitions for working visas, asylum and refugee adjustments, family unity applications, and naturalization applications (“Number of Service-wide Forms Fiscal Year To- Date, by Quarter, and Form Status Fiscal Year 2019,” 2020). Many of the applicants are ELs who would appreciate and benefit from direct or indirect assistance from their ESL or EFL instructors to better understand the application process, a process that tends to begin by visiting the USCIS website, This study, therefore, applied corpus linguistics methods examine the vocabulary of the USCIS website and application materials with the goal of creating word lists to assist language teachers and learners to better navigate the language of the process.
    • Videogame Dialogue: Exploring Empathy Through Skyrim’s Modding Community

      Hughes, Miranda; Risam, Roopika (2021-05-01)
      Videogames are growing, and this presentation will explore ways the field of Digital Studies can use branching dialogue to increase representation in the gaming world through empathy and autonomy. This exploration is done by focusing on Miranda Hughes' creative project, a yet unpublished follower mod for The Elder Scrolls V- Skyrim videogame.
    • What Intervention Approaches Are Used By Healthcare Professionals to Address Sexual Function and Satisfaction in Adults With Physical Disabilities?

      Barnes, Amanda; Fink, Twyla (2021-05-01)
      The exploration of sexual function and satisfaction interventions for adults with physical disabilities and next steps in research.
    • Nursing Preceptor Fundamentals: Strengthening the Role of the Nursing Preceptor through Education

      Wright, Marsh-Lee; Williams, Cheryl (2021-05-01)
      An integrative review of the literature on preceptor development provides evidence that preceptors benefit from initial and ongoing preceptor role development education. Preceptor development should be formalized to support preceptors to better prepare student nurses to seamlessly transition from academia into practice.
    • Caregiver Stress

      Short, Theresa; Williams, Cheryl (2021-05-01)
      The healthcare community needs to be more aware of caregiver stress; how to identify it and how to treat it.
    • How Do Undergraduate Nursing Students Feel About Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing?

      Kalafatis Finley, Angelina; Williams, Cheryl (2021-05-01)
      This presentation is an integrative review that seeks to explore the perceptions, opinions, and attitudes of undergraduate nursing students on psychiatric-mental health nursing.
    • The effectiveness of implementing text sets to the high school students’ engagement in the EFL Reading classroom.

      Nguyễn, Linh; González, Melanie (2021-05-01)
      This study aims to explore language readers' needs and discover whether using text sets can improve students' engagement and motivation in the English language classroom in Dong Nai Province, Vietnam.
    • For Those Who Are Experiencing Pain, Is Lavender Essential Oil Effective In Pain Relief and Does It Impact Occupational Participation?

      Langdale, Levi; MacLachlan, Jean (2021-05-01)
      A review was conducted to evaluate to efficacy of lavender essential oils use on reducing pain. If pain reduction was achieved the review assessed if occupational participation improved as a result.
    • Effective Transition to CommUNITY: A Systematic Review of Interventions to Support Community Integration for Individuals Who Have Experienced a Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

      Hoffman, Marisa; Fink, Twyla (2021-05-01)
      For individuals who have experienced a traumatic spinal cord injury, how can occupational therapy practitioners support an effective transition to community integration to achieve greater life satisfaction?
    • For people with chronic pain, what self-management interventions produce a decrease in pain and an increase in occupational performance?

      Thibodeau, Lisa; MacLachlan, Jean (2021-05-01)
      This comprehensive review is a compilation of results from scientific studies that assessed the impact of a variety of interventions on chronic pain and on engagement in meaningful activities.
    • What is Missing Here? The Absence of a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Salem State University's Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Program

      Morin, Julia; Schumaker Murphy, Megan (2021-05-01)
      Due to the immense inequities Black, Indigenous, and students of color face in their schooling, and the reality of the K-12 population diversifying at a consistent rate, this study aimed to conduct a content analysis of publicly available required course descriptions of the Master of Education in Early Childhood Education at Salem State University. The main purpose of this content analysis was to see how embedded a culturally responsive pedagogy is; as culturally responsive teaching is student-centered teaching approach that has been shown to improve the educational experience of students of color in a educational system where the majority of teachers are White.