Recent Submissions

  • Nature-based Interventions in Occupational Therapy

    Parseghian, Jackie; Schlenz, Kathleen (2021-04-10)
    Nature-based activities have been shown to improve physical health, psychological wellbeing, and functional performance. Yet despite evidence on the psychophysiological benefits of these activities, few studies have been done on their use within occupational therapy practice. This presenter shares current literature on nature-based interventions, as well as resources for implementing nature-based interventions in practice. Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: • Recognize the broad scope of activities that classify as nature-based • Identify three benefits of nature-based activities • Describe the relevance of nature-based interventions to the OT profession
  • The Current Use of Animal-Assisted Therapy by Occupational Therapy Practitioners

    Neubert, Kimberly; Silveira, Jeramie (2021-04-10)
    This study collected data on the following question: How is animal-assisted therapy (AAT) currently being used amongst occupational therapy practitioners (OTP) in New England? While research demonstrates the efficacy of AAT within occupational therapy, little demonstrates how it is being used within the field currently. Data was collected on how AAT is being used amongst OTPs, under what circumstances, and what barriers may exist to its utilization.
  • Occupational Therapy and Chronic Pelvic Pain

    Naze, Kathleen Arregoces; MacLachlan, Jean (2021-04-10)
    This presentation will explore how occupational therapy practitioners are addressing the needs of those with chronic pelvic pain. The International Pelvic Pain Society (2019) estimates 25 million women (individuals with female organs) worldwide experience chronic pelvic pain (CPP) and individuals with CPP are more likely to present with functional impairment in household tasks, sleep, and work due to psychosocial barriers and pain (Miller-Matero et al., 2016; Facchin et al., 2015). A qualitative survey consisting of topics related to education, intervention, and population served was electronically distributed to occupational therapy practitioners across the United States. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Implications for this study include increasing awareness and evidence supporting occupational therapy’s role in gender specific health, the need for advocacy within and outside the field of occupational therapy, and increasing continuing education opportunities for addressing pelvic pain. A recent initiative by AOTA Community of Practice for Women’s Health is gathering resources linking occupational therapy and women’s health (Podvey & Lenington, 2019). Results from this study will contribute to the foundation of literature necessary for the emerging practice of women’s/gender specific health to create a relationship between occupational therapy and clients experiencing CPP. Objectives:• Participants will describe chronic pelvic pain • Participants will describe how chronic pelvic pain may impact occupational performance • Participants will identify the need for occupational therapy practitioners in the emerging area of women’s health
  • Journal Club Utilization as a Means of Implementing Evidence-Based Research to Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practice

    Borges, Amanda; MacLachlan, Jean (2021-04-10)
    Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a key component of occupational therapy (OT) treatment, including pediatric settings (AOTA, 2019). The overall utilization of EBP to guide treatment is low across all practice areas (Wressle & Samuelsson, 2014). The purpose of this study is to determine whether the implementation of a journal club, in combination with the Traffic Light Grading System, will improve the utilization of EBP throughout various pediatric OT settings. A quasi-experimental instructional group design, with pre-post-post test measures, would be used over a period of 12 weeks with OT practitioners (OTP) to determine if EBP utilization increases. It is anticipated that the implementation of these measures will assist in overcoming the barriers to implementing EBP to treatment. Objectives: At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to; - Describe what EBP is and why it is important to the OT profession. - Describe why a journal club could potentially assist in the utilization and implementation of EBP. - Describe why the "Evidence Alert Traffic Light Grading System" could be an effective tool to organize and implement research to OT practice. - Identify how EBP influences quality treatment within pediatric OT practice.