OT Practice in Pediatrics
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Exploration of How Parents Perceive their Role Participation is Impacted by Parenting a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a neurodevelopmental disorder, impacts one’s ability to pay attention, control impulsive behaviors, and regulate activity (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). The purpose of the study was to explore how parents of children with ADHD believe their role participation and engagement has been impacted by the diagnosis. Objectives:1. State one reason why it is important for occupational therapy professionals to explore how a child's ADHD diagnosis impacts the parent's role engagement. 2. Explain how role loss impacts an individual. 3. Discuss the relationship between role satisfaction and quality of life.
Identifying and Implementing Strategies Related to Occupational Injustices Impacting Child Rearing in Low-Income FamiliesParents living in poverty face chronic stress, which leads to higher levels of encountered barriers related to child rearing in comparison to those with a higher socioeconomic status. Previous research has revealed that parents living in poverty experience occupational injustices related to time, cost, and safety. The purpose of the proposed study is to investigate whether a 10-week, activity-based support group with a parent co-leader will assist parents living in poverty to identify and implement strategies to overcome injustices related to child rearing. Research in the field of occupational injustices related to parents in poverty is presently emerging and supports the need for further research in this area.
Parents of Preterm Infants and Coping Strategies Post DischargeResearch has shown that parents of preterm infants demonstrate increased rates of parental stress in the NICU, continuing into the home environment (Roque et al., 2017; Lakshmanan et al., 2017). Occupational therapy interventions provided to parents in the NICU have been researched and found to decrease parental stress (John et al., 2018). There is a gap in the literature regarding interventions that aim to decrease parental stress and support role competence, in the home. The purpose of this study is to explore the strategies that parents of preterm infants utilize to cope with parental stress in the home. This study will be conducted using a quantitative descriptive survey design, with qualitative data to support the quantitative results. Identifying coping strategies utilized by parents of preterm infants will help OT practitioners better understand these parents' needs in the home environment; and in addition, will help to support the development of effective strategies/interventions, to decrease parental stress post discharge from the NICU.
Neurobiological Patient Education: Effects on the Self-perception of Children with ADHD Aged 8-11Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects those diagnosed to varying degrees. Experiences of failure and a lack of knowledge about one’s diagnosis has the ability to negatively affect self-perception (i.e. self-esteem, self-worth, self-identity, and a sense of competency) (Jones & Hesse, 2018; Levanon-Erez et al., 2017). In a study by Jones and Hesse (2018), adolescents (aged 15-21) expressed a sense of relief when diagnosed and gained a better sense of self-worth and self-identity. Client education for children with chronic illness has the ability to lessen symptoms of distress and improve knowledge of the diagnosis (Stenberg, et al., 2019). This research study was to examine the effect of client education using Brain Talk Therapy (Bogen & Lindemuth, 2015) on the self-perception of a child with ADHD, specifically aged 8-11 and was to incorporate aspects of mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy strategies. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and health safety concerns the research study was not implemented. The following Power Point outlines the literature review, and details Brain Talk Therapy (Bogen & Lindemuth, 2015) more in depth. Learning Objectives After review of this presentation, participants will be able to describe the: 1. Importance of client education for those with chronic illness 2. Components of Brain Talk Therapy Curriculum (Bogen & Lindemuth, 2017)