Darwin Fest 2021
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Recent Submissions
Socio-Eco-Evo Dynamics In Cities: Exploring How Society Shapes The Biology Of CitiesDr. Schell studies the interactions within and between humans and non-humans in urban environments.
The Evolution Of Human Skin Color Gets More Interesting By The DayDr. Jablonski's research focuses on how human skin and skin pigments have adapted to the environment.
Environmental And Physiological Regulators Of Symbiosis In Reef-Building CoralsDr. Rivera is interested in how reef-building corals respond to environmental changes at the molecular level, in particular, the symbiotic relationship between the corals and their algal partners.
Salty Microglia: Gaining Mechanistic Insight Into Sodium-Dependent HypertensionMr. Moreira is researching the role played by the microglia (non-neuronal cells in the brain and spinal cord) in salt-sensitive hypertension.
Human Serum Albumin (HSA) - Drug Complexes And "Biochemical Signatures" For Specific DiseasesDr. Manyanga's research focuses on human plasma proteome, a complex biological fluid with more than 3000 individual proteins and peptides. Specifically, Human Serum Albumin (HSA), a major fatty acid (FA) binding protein in plasma also responsible for the transport and utilization of many xenobiotics.
Utilizing Systems Analysis To Understand The Chemical Language Of The RhizosphereMs. Jones is investigating the chemical means of communication between plant roots, their secretions and associated microbial communities, what is known as the rhizosphere.
Highlights From The Northeast Chapter Of Fourth National Climate Assessment: Implications For Natural HazardsDr. Dupginy-Giroux's research work has included investigations into droughts in both semi-arid areas of Brazil and more humid climes in northeastern North America.
Environment x Everything Interactions: From Protein Evolution To The Stories Of UsDr. Ogbunu is interested in the complex interactions underlying disease, across multiple scales, from the molecular to the population.
The Origins Of Wound Behavior - Pathways Leading To Healing Or ReinjuryDr. Yates' work focuses on various aspects of wound healing in the skin and lungs.
Through A Web, Darkly: Sex, Death, And Adaptation In Widow SpidersDr. Andrade's lab investigates the role of the environment and social factors on the reproductive lives (tactics, life history, physiology, sexual selection) of black widow spiders.